Procedural Hexagon Grid Framework
 All Classes Namespaces Functions
Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CCameraMovementClass responsible for camera movement
 CCellCell struct, used for coordinates
 CCellObjectComponent containing information for the cell's GameObject
 CCellObjectOutlineClass for building and updating CellObjects' outlines
 CEnvironmentManagerEditorCustom inspector class for the EnvironmentManager
 CEnvironmentObjectGameobject component for handling all the environment variables of the CellObject
 CGridGuiGUI window component for the Grid information
 CGridManagerHandles correct order, logic and basic settings for building a hexagon grid
 CGridManagerEditorCustom inspector class for the GridManager
 CGridOutlineClass for building and updating Grid Outline
 CGroundPlateClass for constructing ground plate object and mesh
 CHexagonClass for Hexagon mesh building
 CInputManagerClass for handling events, such as selecting cell objects
 CMapGuiGUI window component for the Grid Map
 CNodeClass for nodes, used for pathfinding and placing objects
 CNodePathClass for Node Path mesh building
 CNoiseManagerClass for applying LibNoise to grid
 CNoiseManagerEditorCustom inspector class for the GridManager
 COutlineMeshClass for base outline mesh building
 CPathEndLakeClass for adding lake mesh to the end of river
 CPathfinderClass for a* pathfinding
 CRiverClass for constructing rivers
 CSearchNodeSearch Node class, used for pathfinding algorithm to store data
 CTemperatureClass for handling environment temperature calculation
 CTreesClass for tree mesh building
 CVegetationClass for creating vegetation such as trees
 CWaterClass for determining water level and moisture
 CWaterPlateClass for constructing water plate object and mesh
 CWindClass for wind calculation, used for temperature and humidity distribution
 CWindowGuiClass for constructing GUI windows
 CWindVectorClass for constructing ground plate object and mesh
 CUnitExample Unit class using A* pathfinding, moves to closest possible node of selected CellObject